2018 wasn’t the year I imagined it to be! Sure it was great and my sales were greater than I have ever experienced, however I now realize the biggest reason I didn’t have the success I wanted is because my plan was in my head!
I knew what I wanted out of 2018, but I hadn’t taken the time to really break it down into manageable chunks … to know my numbers and love them as so many of my previous mentors had taught me. So, although I had success I didn’t have the success I had dreamed about and envisioned for 2018. It was just an “okay” year!
So at the end of 2018 when I was making plans for 2019 I thought to myself instead of randomly pulling numbers out of my head I needed to have a plan! And today I am going to share my planning process with you!
First I started with my financial goal … how much did I want to make in 2019 and then asked myself was it feasible. See just wanting to make a certain amount of money and knowing you can make that amount of money are two different things. So, I broke it down into manageable chunks! This is what it looked like …
I know now that if I meet each of my goals for each of my services I will reach my target financial goal for 2019! The next step is how do I reach those goals? Wanting clients is one thing, obtaining them is something entirely different thus step #2 … the marketing plan! This is what it looks like …
The marketing plan is simple when you look at it this way … all I needed was to ask myself what ways will I market my business and what will it take to reach my client goals. So I broke it down into how I would market my business and then the number of each marketing method I felt it would take to attract the clients I am pursuing!
Since I am a visual person I knew that it needed to come out my head, out of my notebooks and onto the walls of my office where I would see it every day and be reminded of what it is going to take to reach my goals!
So, if you want 2019 to be a success for you as well, what is it going to take? What is your plan to make 2019 your best year ever? I invite you to share in the comments below!
Thank you Yvonne, for sharing your personal goal strategy. It is visual and appears color coded. You’re challenging me to really know my numbers and develop a system to record my goals and actual achievements.
I agree on the how, or marketing, is extremely important to know and to see it visually helps to keep me on track on what to do. So, just do it.
Congratulations on your accomplishments. Let me know if the stickies stick and I’ll let you know if I really get to know my numbers.
Happy New Years,
Margaret Janecki, EPC
Your Financial Doctor
Great post, Yvonne! I see the Tracey D planning process is working for you. I have morphed her process into using a giant sticky note as my background which makes any and all of my planning mobile!
One thing I’d love to see in a future post is how you time manage between client work and your marketing work.
Keep up the positive attitude and push on!